Books - Whatever Happened to the New Age?

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The Age of Aquarius is upon us. 

As the New energies of this Age arrive and the energies of the old Piscean age depart, Earth and humanity are living through a period of great transition, a radical paradigm shift that has long been anticipated & foretold.

The conflicting forces of these two ages are producing much turbulence on the planet and our lives, but this may be just what is needed to propel our next evolutionary leap in consciousness and transform ourselves into the change we want to see in the world: into citizens of the New Age.

In this transformative book, Ascended Master Djwhal Khul traces humanity’s history through the Piscean Age.  He challenges All of Us to release the Mentality of Power & Struggle that has characterized the Piscean Age of the last 2000 years and describes the key karmic lessons humanity needs to learn in order to move forward without undue resistance or delay. 

In laying out the potentialities of this New Age, he invites us to use the arriving Aquarian energies to collectively co-create the new paradigm. To envision, a New Mythos where the transformation of human consciousness and the awakening to the oneness of our global experience will foster the necessary healing, enlightenment, and evolution of humanity and for the planet as well. 

For those seeking practical and divine guidance in this time; and as you navigate your life and spiritual journey through the great shift into the emerging new age, This Book is for You!

Whatever Happened to the New Age? By Master Djwhal Khul in collaboration with Kathlyn Kingdon.

 Click here to Buy the Book - Available in Paperback and eBook on Amazon

Table of Contents


Chapter 1: Aquarian Spiritual Inheritance

Chapter 2: The Passage of Ages

Chapter 3: A New Variation on an Old Theme

Chapter 4: Old Karma in a New Age

Chapter 5: Transformation and the Framework of Time

Chapter 6: Stabilizing Inner Peace

Chapter 7: Embodying Contentment and Engaged Neutrality

Chapter 8: Making a Radical Shift

Chapter 9: The Chakras and the Evolution of Consciousness

Chapter 10: Awakening the Aquarian Heart

Chapter 11: Evolving the Aquarian Head Center

Chapter 12: The Ego’s Jihad vs. the Soul’s Liberation

Chapter 13: Morphogenetic Fields, Karma, and the Playing Out of Cause and Effect

Chapter 14: Spiritual Evolution: Scope and Process

Chapter 15: Mystical Aliveness

Chapter 16: Enlightenment

Chapter 17: Generating Insight

Chapter 18: Reclaiming What Was Lost

Chapter 19: The Human as Prototype for Future Earth Dwellers

Chapter 20: Healing Earth via a New Mythology

Chapter 21: What Mythos is the Cosmos Revealing?

Chapter 22: Awakening to Cosmic Pattern and Process

Chapter 23: The Ocean Slips into the Dewdrop (and other Mysteries)

Chapter 24: A Spiritual Paradigm Shift

Click here to read sample pages from the book (Links to, Whatever Happened to the New Age?, Amazon book page)

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This Web site is dedicated to the Ascended Master Djwhal Khul (variously spelled "Djwhal Kuhl," "Djwal Kul," or simply "DK"), also known as The Tibetan, and to His students simply as the Master DK.

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