
Free Meditations 

created by Master Djwhal Khul and Kathlyn Kingdon 

  Oneness Invocation Meditation

  Use this meditation at the beginning of a meeting.

  Click here to open the meditation audio file

Meditation for a New Age

This is a wonderful meditation to use in the evening.

Click here to open the meditation audio file.

Please join me in this meditation for a new age.

On the precipice of this dawning new age, let us consider just what might be possible for human beings. Then, let us seed the field of collective consciousness with the grains of possibilities.

Let us leave behind our desperate limitations, our points of ignorance, negligence, or self-occupied fixations that we may create well the age that is now before us.

At this special time, let us join our hearts and minds in a shared focus of wonder and gratitude.

We are indeed fortunate to share the privilege of consciously entering a new planetary cycle.

As the passing age dissolves into a fresh age, may our souls be inspired afresh. May our minds be awakened to new appreciation and deeper understanding of each other and may our hearts be filled with the spirit of reconciliation.

May we heal the wounds of our past and discover new and highly functional levels of peace and human cooperation.

May we collectively realize a future beyond the degrading stresses of war, intolerance, domination, and greed.

May we come together in harmony and celebrate our human family, searching out the good and the beautiful in everyone.

May we enter every arising situation with mindfulness, honesty, sincerity and a strong desire to create a better world.

May our motivations at both a personal level and at a global level reflect genuine loving kindness for all other beings.

May we become a truly peaceful people. May our baser aggressions and reactionary hot spots be cooled in a gentle rain of blessing.

May we see our collective way through this chaotic transitional time. May we negotiate it wisely and well.

May we learn to deal with each other in a straightforward manner that demonstrates respect and trustworthiness.

May we comfort one another in times of struggle as we truly learn to bear each other’s burdens and each other’s cares.

May we see with fresh eyes the opportunities before us and may we not shirk either our individual or our shared responsibilities to life.

Together, with grace and humility, may we gently take the next step in evolution of human consciousness.

May we greet each other with open hearts and open minds as we together call forth our future selves.

May we learn to partner one another in the days ahead. May we rejoice with those who rejoice. May we grieve with those who grieve.

May we discern well the lessons of the dying age, harvesting wisdom, clarity, and kindness for all.

May we compassionately explore what it means to be fully human.

May we know the sweet taste of forgiveness for ourselves and all others.

May we have the wisdom to release what has been in order to open to that which will be. 

Contentment Meditation 

Use this meditation to open your heart and mind into the field of soul consciousness.

Click here to open the meditation audio file.

This Web site is dedicated to the Ascended Master Djwhal Khul (variously spelled "Djwhal Kuhl," "Djwal Kul," or simply "DK"), also known as The Tibetan, and to His students simply as the Master DK.

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