2024-2025 Mantra Campaign - Information and Links
Click here to report the number of mantras recited during this campaign.
Total Mantras reported to date 674,603
Click on the video to watch and listen.
The Power of Mantra teaching
In the July 2024 teaching titled The Power of Mantra, Master Djwhal Khul explains the power and benefits of using two different mantras. To listen to Kathlyn Kingdon reciting each of them, click on their names below.
Offer your sincere practice of chanting to help Mother Lakshmi with Her mission of overall prosperity and success, as well as Master DK with His mission of awakening humanity to their enlightenment potential.
Om Gahm Ganapataiye Namaha
Mala recitations to Lord Ganesh help you to overcome obstacles and assist in getting Master's new book into the hands of millions which will help humanity awaken to the next leap in consciousness that our planet so needs.
This new book, Whatever happened to the New Age?, will help all planetary citizens learn how to release suffering and open to these new transformative cosmic energies. Chanting these malas daily will help remove obstacles in your life and bring about your success as well.
Happy Chanting
Kristi McCracken
VFF President
Buy the Book! on the on Amazon
"Whatever Happened to the New Age"
In this extraordinary book, Master Djwhal Khul traces humanity's karmic history through the Piscean Age and lays out the potentialities that this New Age is offering. He challenges spiritual aspirants to release the power-over mentality of the Piscean Age and collectively co-create the Aquarian Age. This requires a radical spiritual paradigm shift of both the personal and planetary transformation that mystics and luminaries have long foretold. Master offers ancient wisdom practices set in the context of these contemporary times that help one’s contemplative mind generate insights that can bring about the desired mystical aliveness on a path to enlightenment. Healing earth and her inhabitants necessitates a new Cosmic mythos. The conflicting forces of these two ages may be just what propels this shift for our next leap in consciousness. If you’re feeling the need for some Divine guidance for
navigating your spiritual path in this New Age, this book is for you.
Master's Wisdom: “As planetary citizens and evolutionary agents for the Aquarian Age, humans will need to elevate to new heights all the clarity, insight, and wisdom garnered from the prior age if they are to actually create a new paradigm.”
“This book is dedicated to spiritual aspirants the world over who are committed to blazing the trail into the Aquarian Age, and doing so with clear purpose and dedicated commitment to the evolution of human consciousness. That may sound a bit grandiose, and yet, without such deeply held purpose and dedication, the unfolding journey of evolution will surely require more time. Indeed, the transition from Patriarchal war values into the field of higher Aquarian wisdom will surely be a remarkable one. For those who choose to take responsibility for being the change they want to see in the world, this is a time of great opportunity and potential healing. This healing is much needed since many of the wounds inflicted in the prior age are still bleeding in the torn collective psyche of humanity. Indeed, entrance into the Aquarian Age must not be taken frivolously, nor should the very real wounds trying to heal from past injuries be ignored. Their healing is not only a process of the greater Aquarian “We,” but an individual journey for all who, by answering the Aquarian call, commit to healing themselves.”
To read a free preview of the book on Amazon click here.
Zoom Book Launch Party - March 24, 2024
To read the transcript of Master Djwhal Khul's message, click here.
Tow listen to the audio or Master Djwhal Khul's message, click here.
Overview of a course offered in 2023
"Tantra for a New Age" ~ Master's New Online Meditation Course
"Tantra for a New Age," an 8-week online Meditation Course dates -April 2, 2023 - May 21, 2023.
During the course students learned to;
Take their meditation work to a new level
This course was offered by Vajra Flame Foundation, Ltd. a 501 (c)(3) non-profit corporation. Course registration payments are made to VFF
This course centered on a tantric meditation designed to purify body, mind, and energy field, as well as stimulate the realization of higher mind, clarify the chakras, and bring the practitioner into full alignment with the Teacher’s truth body. The meditation was taught in stages, and each specific layer of focus can be learned and practiced on its own. In that way, participants learned to layer the different aspects upon the breath work, which is the foundation of this practice. Each layer engages a specific part of the practice, and was added sequentially.
Completed Course
"Escape from the Madding Crowd"
3-part Darshan Series
Darshan Recorded Teaching List:
"Where's the War?" recorded May 22, 200
"Who's in Control?" recorded June 5, 2022
"The Great Escape" recorded June 26, 2022
This course is completed.
To buy the transcript and/or audio for "Who's in Control?" click on the title.
What is Darshan?
“Darshan,” as we are using this term, is a rich opportunity to receive a direct transmission from a spiritual teacher–in this case, Master Djwhal Khul. The transmission itself is an emission of charged spiritual energy. Although it may be conveyed in any number of modes, including via a lecture or spiritual discourse. More properly, darshan is what we could also call a “visitation” from a spiritually elevated being. The divine charge is profoundly personal, even though it might be disseminated to many people at the same time. Each person receives this energetic transmission according to his or her receptivity to the teacher. The term “darshan” derives from the Sanskrit word darsana, which is generally translated as meaning “vision” or “sight.” One experiences darshan by looking at the sacred or divine being and receiving a gift of directly transmitted energy.
The transmission of Master Djwhal Khul’s transformative energy is made through Kathlyn Kingdon. What each person receives is unique, although most feel comforted by His energy, inspired by His words, and embraced by His grace. It is incumbent upon each person attending to invoke Master’s wisdom directly. In this way, a spiritual link is formed between student and Teacher. While experiencing darshan online is, for some, less palpable than experiencing it when in the physical presence of the Teacher, most find that Master’s energy is powerful enough to be transmitted even via Zoom.
Report on Vajra Flame Foundation's Annual Appeal
on Behalf of the Perpetuity Project for 2021!
Dear Vajra Flame Family,
With the most heartfelt appreciation, I want to thank all of our donors for your contributions to our successful Perpetuity Project Annual Appeal. Your support will make a tremendous impact on VFF’s efforts, during this new year of 2022, in spreading Master’s Teachings throughout the world and for years to come. I also want to thank the students who took time to record video testimonials, it was lovely to learn about your experiences with Master and the Vajra Flame Family.
While we did not reach our very ambitious financial goal of $100,00.00, we raised over $67,000.00, which will further this project for quite some time. Personally, I am thrilled with the outcome of this campaign.
I am also pleased to report that this annual appeal saw a significant increase in the number of people supporting our cause than in previous years. We are getting the word out and that is a terrific accomplishment!
Thank you all so very much for your love and support for Master, Kathlyn, and the Teachings. These are incredible gifts.
With deepest appreciation,
Dale Goodwin
VFF Board President
Click here to donate and add your support
Past Event
Recreating the Energy Body III:
Generating New Chakras for a New Age
Master's New On-Line Course
Click here to Listen to Master's Invitation
Registration closed November 6, 2021
Last class December 19, 2021
2021 Live Class Dates, Lecture Names, Bonus Teachings Titles & release dates
17 October, Class 1, “Refining Piscean Chakras for the Aquarian Age”
7 November, Class 2, “A Call to Longevity and Immortality”
Bonus Teaching #1: “Confronting the ‘I’ that Perceives Reality” - release date 14 November
21 November, Q&A Session
28 November, Class 3, "The Chakras & Enlightenment”
Bonus Teaching #2: “Awakening to the Consciousness of the Chakras” - release date 5 December
12 December, Q&A Session
19 December, Class 4, "Manifesting the Soul through Awakened Chakras”
Past Events
Master Djwhal Khul’s
3-Part Darshan Series:
Healing a Fractured World
As we bear witness to a world in crisis, and carefully ponder the shape our future may take, sitting in the loving presence of a Spiritual Teacher can evoke serenity and encourage hope during episodes of shared distress, insecurity, and grief.
As we confront overwhelming problems and search for illusive answers and solutions, our way forward seems complicated and precarious.
May we summon a collective force of courage so we may rise to the challenges before us. May we extend support to one another as, together, we begin healing the wounds and schisms that have mercilessly torn at the fabric of global family.
Now is the time, and we are the ones who have come to create a new planetary paradigm. Indeed, it is time to become the Ones for whom we have been waiting!
Join Ascended Master Djwhal Khul
Kathlyn Kingdon, and the Vajra Flame Foundation global spiritual community in three, live on-line darshan classes to address the healing needed at both personal and global levels.
This 3 part series is completed.
Sunday 31 January, 2021 at 11:00 (MST) Mountain Standard Time
Sunday 14 February, 2021 at 11:00 (MST) Mountain Standard Time
Sunday 28 February, 2021 at 11:00 (MST) Mountain Standard Time
Teaching for the Winter Solstice, Transcript of the Teaching,
Solstice Meditation for Awakening
files are available for downloading now
click on the title above to download the file
Past Event
Equinox Weekend & the Extraordinary Gift of Balance
On September 22 and 23, 2018 people from around the world were invited to join together in local groups anytime on the Equinox weekend to hear this year’s Equinox Message from Djwhal Khul /Kathlyn Kingdon and then to take part in a 30-minute guided meditation focusing on balance for the planet and all sentient beings.
We are deeply grateful to Master and Kathlyn for this very wise teaching on balance and equanimity. It was such a simple, direct, and moving message for a time that envelopes us in endless “to do” lists. The video message was followed by a deep meditation that took many people to a profoundly peaceful place.
Since October is in the astrological sign of Libra, the sign of balance, it seems like it would be a wonderful commitment to listen to the 2018 Equinox Balance Meditation and
the recorded teaching hosted on YouTube, Generating Balance in an Unstable World, thus embodying these Teachings on a deeper level.
This Equinox Celebration was presented by Vajra Flame Foundation as a gift in an attempt to spread Master’s influence around the world. It was also the first of several celebrations that will commemorate the thirty-five year partnership between Master DK and Kathlyn Kingdon.
May we all learn to embody divine balance and equanimity.
Donate to the Vajra Flame Foundation You now have an opportunity to show your appreciation for Kathlyn and Master’s 35 years of dedicated service. The Vajra Flame Foundation exists because of the generosity of people like you. | ![]() After a period of inner changes, I felt guided to search for more spiritual meaning in my life. That search ended when I joined the spiritual family of the Vajra Flame Foundation. The deep sense of belonging along with the energy of the group of people engaged in the same quest, allowed me to stay true to myself and trust that spiritual growth serves all.
Camilia, VFF Executive Committee Member I know I have taken many spiritual strides in the three plus years I have been involved with Master and Kathlyn’s work. Each year I seem to have an expanded awareness of things and much of that expansion I can attribute to my experiences with Kathlyn and Master DK.
Larry, Alberta, Canada A personal reading with Master DK is like visiting a wise, compassionate friend. He will guide you through problems you are having and encourage you to stay the course on your spiritual path, all without censor or judgment. It is truly a gift you can give yourself.
Sylvia, Washington The Vajra Flame Foundation is dedicated to spreading peace in chaotic times. I choose to support this organization with my monthly membership pledge because I can’t think of anything more needed in these trying times.
Linda, BP Exec., Alaska Experiencing Djwhal Khul through Kathlyn has been the most liberating experience of my life. I owe a tremendous debt of gratitude to the Master who has awakened me to my true Self and liberated me from my old constricted, painful life.
Hank, Insurance Broker, Alaska My work with D.K. though Kathlyn has expanded my mind, touched my heart and helped me to create a new life. It has been an incredible privilege to experience the love and compassion of such a great teacher. I wish all beings everywhere could know this teacher.
Dianna, Therapist, Colorado |