About the Vajra Flame Foundation, Ltd.

Welcome to the virtual home of Vajra Flame Foundation, a 501-c (3) charitable organization. The word “Vajra” is a Sanskrit word meaning “diamond.” When used in a spiritual context, it refers to the diamond-like qualities of pristine clarity and indestructibility. “Flame” connotes the spark of passion that transforms knowledge into spiritual practice. These are the qualities of the enlightened mind that the Vajra Flame Foundation aspires to as a spiritual organization.

VFF is an international, non-denominational organization committed to helping people develop and realize their full spiritual potential. Our organization is sustained through contributions and charitable donations.

The Foundation offers live events, as well as online courses and teleconferences through its subsidiary, the Rocky Mountain Esoteric School. Our donors come from around the world, and form a spiritual family dedicated to the evolution of human consciousness, and to generating compassionate support as the human community negotiates a rapidly changing paradigm in global consciousness.

We invite you to support VFF by donating or by joining our international spiritual community. You may contact us here or explore MasterDK.com for more information.

Through the generosity of donors Vajra Flame Foundation has established a scholarship program.

Click Here to make a donation to VFF and support the scholarship program.

Vajra Flame Foundation is a non-profit, donation-supported established for the purpose of preserving and disseminating the teachings of Master Djwhal Khul through Kathlyn Kingdon. 

Remembering those who have passed ~ click here to visit the Memorial Page

Our Vision Statement

Vajra Flame Foundation is dedicated to helping people find inner peace in a chaotic world.

Our Mission Statement

The Vajra Flame Foundation is dedicated to establishing enlightened human relationships, reclaiming planetary balance, and instituting the foundational spiritual principles and values needed for a stable, interdependent, global society. Its educational mission is based upon the philosophy, teachings, and wisdom the Ascended Masters, particularly Master Djwhal Khul in partnership with Kathlyn Kingdon.

This Web site is dedicated to the Ascended Master Djwhal Khul (variously spelled "Djwhal Kuhl," "Djwal Kul," or simply "DK"), also known as The Tibetan, and to His students simply as the Master DK.

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