Thank you to everyone for reciting and reporting mantras over the past eight months. 204,860 Mantras were reported during the past eight months. Please continue reciting mantras. We are no longer accepting mantra reports.

We at Vajra Flame are relieved to hear from our spiritual family members in India, and we surely all celebrate the improvement in pandemic conditions there. Although the Covid-19 variant that has been raging so strongly there has not as yet been eradicated, there is at least some good news in the fact that the number of cases reported daily seems to be abating. All tolled, India has reported over 300,000 deaths from the virus, although many statisticians suspect these deaths are significantly under-reported. Even so, the reported number of deaths is the third highest in the world, falling behind the U.S. (598,000) and Brazil (450,000).
Here is the recent report from our brothers and sisters in India. Let us all surround them with the power of Master’s grace, and send waves and waves of healing energy.
In India, the pandemic conditions have improved and there is now an overall slight ease. The number of new cases has come down to around two hundred thousand per day. The panic to obtain oxygen cylinders and supplies has been considerably reduced since the government “moved mountains” to meet the oxygen demand in the country. We are now managing much better, thanks to the international support that has been pouring in from different countries.
In Delhi, hospital occupancy is down by roughly 25 percent, so we are experiencing some respite there.
Many states are imposing lockdowns, some fully and some partially. However, economic challenges are ahead. Unfortunately, politics have played too big a role in managing the pandemic and has resulted in faultfinding and blame projections. These lesser deeds tend to deviate the focus from the main purpose.
With a population of 1.38 billion, India is able to do better with the help of many countries from around the world.
It will take several more months to bring these problems under control
Prayers, Prayers, and Prayers alone are the answer!
Thank you!
Please continue to recite Mantras to invoke the intervention of Lord Ganapati (Ganesh) to help mitigate pandemic crises all around the world.
There are numerous international aid organizations that can still use financial donations, and visualizing a healed world is a gift we can all provide.