Message from President, Kristi McCracken
Dear Vajra Flame Family,
We have so much to celebrate this year, including the potent Tantric teachings through The Rocky Mountain Esoteric School (RMES), the self-publication of Master’s long-awaited new book, and record-breaking donations for the Perpetuity Project. We also expanded offerings on YouTube, updated our website, and increased our efforts to disseminate the book.
The Tantra for a New Age II course through The Rocky Mountain Esoteric School (RMES) offered extraordinary meditations that honed our concentration and opened a deeper capacity for tantric practice. Course lectures awakened students to experiencing the Divine as It expresses Itself through the plant and animal kingdoms. Powerful purification practices for the lower chakras are helping the Divine express more fully through the human realm as well. These working meditations borrowed Chinese acupuncture terminology, focusing on dissolving defilements from associated organs and chakras. The evening meditations helped participants learn true contentment, and explored tonal vibratory patterns to elevate the frequency of newly refined chakras. Weekly Pod group meetings continue to offer opportunities to share progress and engage the “WE.”
In March, we self-published, Whatever Happened to the New Age?, and celebrated with an online book launch. This Aquarian Age guidebook calls us to join forces and start a wave of enlightenment. In this extraordinary text, Master DK traces humanity's karmic history through the Piscean Age and lays out the potentialities the Age of Aquarius offers. The creation of Master’s new book was funded by exceptionally generous donations to our Perpetuity Project.
Record-breaking donations are allowing us to expand the reach of Master’s timely wisdom. We had an unprecedented anonymous $20,000 donation, which Sarah and Tobias Mehler then matched to honor Master and Kathlyn’s 40th anniversary. These gifts combined imbued VFF with $40,000 seed money, effectively doubling our fundraising efforts by allowing matching funds. Donations to the Perpetuity Campaign this year reached a new height of approximately $120,000.
The Master DK YouTube channel has grown to nearly 1000 subscribers. If you haven’t already, please subscribe now. Nearly 200 free offerings from this video library include Darshan Teachings, New Age Meditations, and mantra instructions. Use them to clear your mind, inspire your meditations, and lift your spirits. Be sure to share them with friends to help spread Master’s wisdom through Kathlyn to the world.
Additional offerings from Master include free daily inspirational quotes and monthly teachings. The Daily Thoughts are suitable for personal centering and contemplation. Their monthly themes add depth to the monthly Teaching, while providing a shared focus each month. In a recent teaching, Master revealed the theme of the closing Piscean Age, which was courage, and that of the dawning Aquarian Age, which is joy. Noting that the joy vibration is now taking hold of the conventional reality, He urges us to actively engage joy. We can only imagine the exciting possibilities the joy vibration will bring! We have meditated on contentment, stillness, and joy - all of which lead us into deep calmness, even though our planet may be steeped in chaos. We’re excited about the possibilities of an in-person event and a course on the new book in the new year.
We invite you to log in to our recently updated website,, where you can order a book, teaching, transcript, meditation, or personal session with Master DK. Notice the enhanced loading speed, search functions, and shopping cart efficiency. You may also read new blog articles and access the hyperlinks for the mantra chants.
Finally, please join Master’s mission to distribute millions of copies of, Whatever Happened to the New Age?, To date, over 400 copies of this masterpiece have been sold. Of course, this is just the beginning. Master has stressed the importance of getting this extraordinary text into the hands of millions of thirsty seekers. To that end, VFF has launched a mantra campaign, invoking the aid of Maha Lakshmi and Lord Ganeshe in carrying out Master’s current mission to humanity. Please join this group endeavor to effect a great reception of Master’s new book. Then, please contact local libraries and bookstores about adding this exciting text to their inventories as well as recommending it to like-minded friends and family members. We greatly appreciate your kind support in this matter.
In closing, this quote from Chapter 15 of, Whatever Happened to the New Age?, sums it up:
“Gratitude is the energy that opens the heart to miracles and mystical moments. It softens the mind, relaxes bodily stress, and allows for the upper and lower centers of perception to align with the heart. In the end, this is what transformation is all about.”
Gratitude helps elevate our beingness and encourages mystical experiences. We’re so grateful for the support and contributions you’ve demonstrated in our organization this year. Join me in noticing the elevated frequency of our personal and collective spiritual expressions as they signal the approach of our enlightenment.
Thank you donors. Thank you Kathlyn. Thank you Master.
Kristi McCracken,
VFF President
Perpetuity Project Update
To all precious and valued supporters of VFF,
I am delighted to write to you on behalf of our organization. Let me begin by thanking each of you for your generous support for the Perpetuity Project. I am referring, of course, to the financial support so many of you have graciously provided, but also for the support of the many volunteer hours contributed to VFF, as well as for the gift of your sitting and chanting all those mantras! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Truly, we are the “fortunate ones,” as Master has taught us to say. We are most fortunate for having such an amazing spiritual teacher, by whose grace we are indeed made “fortunate,” and profoundly so. We are fortunate for having the opportunity to experience and express the precious We of spiritual community. We are fortunate to witness the deepening commitment in each other to share Master’s grace and, ultimately, realize a new age. May our combined efforts to support one another in this divine assignment bless and fortify us all!
As we now find ourselves tasked with the huge privilege and responsibility of putting Master’s new book (Whatever Happened to the New Age?) into the hands of a million hungry souls, I confess this assignment seems daunting. I think too often we see ourselves as inconsequential beings wading through the muck and mess of a planet in radical transition. Indeed, we have been called to facilitate that transition without drowning in the muck or being distracted by the mess. It is a tall order, which will call all of us to stretch our fields of consciousness enough to accommodate the heft of the work before us.
I was recently speaking with Master about this very topic, since several people had indicated to me that it seems delusional to think our little organization could pull off these feats. In truth, we cannot accomplish all this on our own—particularly if we continue to think of ourselves as inconsequential in the realization of a new age. However, Master says we can achieve all this if we will only lay aside the limitations to which we have become attached and make the leap in consciousness the Aquarian Age is requiring. This means learning to think in, and create from, a much vaster perspective than has ended up as our default mode.
In negotiating the Age of Pisces, many of us were conditioned to think of ourselves predominantly in terms of our learned limitations. Feeling stuck, or perhaps inadequate in some way, we may have actually defined ourselves by these perceptions. While we may have told ourselves we would surely break through them, more often than not, we were unable to extricate ourselves from the prison of our old habits and limiting beliefs. We may not have seen the trade-offs we accepted by clinging to our points of conditioned smallness. Perhaps we justified our mental habits, or made excuses for not rising to some task that actually required us to grow beyond the boundaries circumscribed by our personalities. Unfortunately, playing small can become habituated without so much as a single thought arising as to how we may actually be holding ourselves back, spiritually.
Master is now calling us to awaken to precisely these mental habits, not to see ourselves deficient in some way, but so that in wisdom, we may release the veils of limitation to which we have habitually clung. Rather than seeing ourselves as unable to rise to the tasks before us, let us be bold in Master’s grace, knowing it is sufficient to sustain us through even these trying, and perhaps confusing, times. Let us remind ourselves daily that people sell a million copies of a book all the time. We just have to learn how to do it, and then raise the necessary motivation to finish the task.
I am immensely grateful for the ongoing work of our Communications Committee, which is exploring all manner of options to learn the “how.” Yet, all of us are needed to finish the task. While it may be a steep learning curve, we simply must find our way into a field of consciousness that is imbued with strong motivation and an expectancy of success. After all, Master’s work is in the world, and thus, as his “arms and legs,” so is ours. Come, my friends; let us rise to the occasion, and show ourselves worthy of Master’s loving grace.
May we all bask in the field of Master’s grace,

Where do I begin, Dale? I first met you on a Women's’ Mysteries trip to the British Isles in 1994, but you had already been involved with hosting Kathlyn and Master at your home for several years before that. Soon afterward, I started making trips to Alaska on a regular basis to attend workshops with Master and Kathlyn. Each time you invited me to stay with you, eat your wonderful home-cooked meals, and see firsthand all the behind-the-scenes work you expended to host the workshops in your home.
I’ll never forget the night that a huge wind storm blew through the area uprooting some large trees on your property; nor the magic of the summer solstice where the energy was so high, that sleep seemed sort of irrelevant and unnecessary, and neighbors were cutting their lawns at 11:00 pm. You also provided me with accommodations for the Winter Solstice, which was an inverted sort of magic. As I recall, it was totally dark except for about three hours in the middle of the day, although those daylight hours were more like twilight.
Mostly, Dale, I remember how welcoming you were, and how you invited me to become part of your family, first with your daughter, Sarah, and then with your husband, Hank. I don’t know the exact number of years, but I do know you hosted many events in two different homes and were a very foundational influence on Kathlyn’s work in Alaska.
When the decision was made to incorporate the Vajra Flame Foundation in 2004, you were part of its inception and were a member of our founding Board of Directors. You traveled to Colorado many times for board meetings and took part in the advanced training provided to us by the Aspen Institute and Harv Eker’s abundance training in Denver.
While you were not continuously on the VFF Board, you were always passionately involved with Master’s message and worked diligently to apply the Teachings that He provided on a monthly basis. About five years ago, I approached you about re-joining the VFF Board, and the following year you were elected Board Chair, a position you held for three years. During that time you responded to countless inquiries from our members and led the weekly Communication Committee meetings. You were also instrumental in spearheading our annual fundraising appeal and holding a large vision for Master’s work.
Dale, perhaps more than most people, I know the countless unseen hours that go into being President of a non-profit organization. I also have direct experience with how much more difficult it is to find volunteers for major VFF projects in a world where most people feel time-deprived and overwhelmed managing the complexity of their daily lives.
So, on behalf of so many VFF friends who have appreciated your help and guidance over the years, please accept our heartfelt thank you for over 30 years of service to Master Djwhal Khul, Kathlyn, and the Vajra Flame Foundation. Please let in how many lives you have enriched, and please know that a life of service is a life well-lived!
Franci Candlin
Director of the Perpetuity Project
Dale with granddaughter Pia

Vajra Flame Foundation - Volunteer of the Year Catherine Williams
The VFF board is happy to announce that Catherine Williams has been chosen as VFF’s Volunteer of the Year for 2024. To say that my friend of over 40 years embodies the essence of devotional generosity would be an understatement.
In all the years I have known her, Catherine has been an example of what it is to be devoted to her spiritual practice, her spiritual teacher, her friendships, and what she believes. This is a quality that has truly intrigued me. How does one cultivate such deep devotion? How does one embody it, and what does it feel like to “be devoted”?
I was introduced to Catherine when my first spiritual teacher asked Catherine to welcome me into the sangha. This moment remains a vivid memory that signifies a turning point in my life. Catherine had called to introduce herself and to inform me of dates for upcoming classes and dharma talks. Our conversation lasted for at least an hour or two and I remember having the distinct sense that I was talking with a dear and close friend. As it turned out, I was.
Over the years, Catherine has been a friend I could count on when I needed someone who truly cared, knew how to listen from her heart, and would lend a helping hand. It was no surprise, then, to learn that she had been driving back and forth to Glenwood Springs from her home an hour away over many weeks to assist in the sorting, packing, and boxing of voluminous amounts of materials in VFF’s Glenwood office. Then all these boxes needed to be transferred to a climate-controlled locked storage unit in Carbondale where they await their new home in Denver.
Her devotion to Master is deep and true, and it extends to include the preservation of decades’ worth of physical materials accumulated through Kathlyn’s partnership with Him. As a true disciple, she did this job willingly and without complaint. It was true Seva.
It is in gratitude for her many dedicated hours of service in helping to pack up the VFF offices, that I have the pleasure of announcing that Catherine has been chosen for this year’s Volunteer of the Year award. Thank you, Catherine, and congratulations!
In acknowledgement,
Grace Lawrence
VFF board member

Catherine Williams at Stonehenge 2018

The Communications Committee’s Recent Successes
Our Communication Committee feels the energy generated by the 120,000 mantras that have already been recited to help Master’s mission spread the word about His book. Our multi-pronged efforts have had significant breakthroughs since the start of the campaign, including onboarding key volunteers.
The most exciting recent development is that VFF has qualified for $10,000 a month in free Google advertising. We’ve hired a marketing specialist to help us utilize Google searches to funnel interested seekers to our website to learn about Master’s wisdom for the Aquarian Age. We are working with the Isaacson School of Social Media to find a social media intern to expand our reach.
Another committee project is a press packet for booksellers and podcasters with author bio, book testimonials, and a power-packed promotional video which will be available online soon. It is also a fantastic resource to send to friends, family, and prospective readers seeking inspiration. Several students have already bought 20 books at a time and are hand-delivering and mailing them to interested parties.
A list of bookstores and libraries that VFF members have suggested or contacted is being compiled. Members can print and supply a press packet when taking the book in to meet with store proprietors and library representatives or send an email requesting that they order and stock the book. We have also received names of over 25 podcasters and influencers with large followings who we’re in the process of contacting to see if they will help to spread the word.
We're excited to advertise on Google, hire a social media intern, and deliver a press packet. We hope you'll keep contacting influencers, buying books in bulk, and sharing them with friends, bookstores, and libraries. Collectively we can lay aside our limitations and make this leap in consciousness that Master assures us is possible with these new Aquarian Age energies.
Reply to this email to share your experiences of contacting bookstores and influencers. In return, we’ll share your stories to inspire others to join the book promotion efforts.