This is Dale. As a member of the Vajra Flame Board of Directors for many years, I am delighted to see the responses made to Kathlyn’s blog article concerning Master’s “Commit to Sit” challenge. One of the problems with running a virtual organization is finding ways our spiritual community, which is incredibly spread out around the world, can stay in touch and share their spiritual growth experiences. I believe this challenge is crucial to our movement as we enter the Aquarian Age, as well as for taking our commitment to Master’s work seriously.
When Master asked us to “Commit to Sit” twice daily and listen to his guided “Meditation for a New Age,” I was truly excited. I knew this was a no brainer for me. You see, I have been listening to this meditation almost daily since we received it at our Annual Peace Convocation and 7-day Retreat back in 2013. With all the chaos on the planet at this time, this meditation has truly been a lifesaver for me. As the craziness in the world has continued to explode all around us since the date Master release this meditation, I have sometimes needed to listen to it four times a day to remain grounded and in a balanced state.
Over the course of this journey, I have realized how important it is to “seed the field of collective consciousness with the grains of possibilities,” so we can “create well the age that is now before us.” Surely, we dare not shy away from this precious assignment. I continue to learn just how important this practice really is, and to see chaotic events confirming the viability of this wisdom over and over again. It is all truly amazing to me!
How fantastic it would be for us all to apply Master’s grace, and “join our hearts and minds in a shared focus of wonder and gratitude.” I am envisioning that with Master’s help, we will make a successful transition into the Aquarian Age.
If you have not already done so, please join our Vajra Flame Family in participating in Master’s Commit to Sit challenge. I think you will be happy you did, and I, for one, plan to continue using this meditation for years to come!
On another note, please respect the blog site for what it is, a format for sharing spiritual insights and personal growth experiences related to this beautiful meditation. It is not a social media platform for meeting one another and sharing personal information. That can be done using our Face Book page, Master Djwhal Khul - 21st Century. Thank you so much for honoring this request so that we can keep the blog site free of diversionary content that could detract from the importance of our work with Master.
With Many Blessings,
VFF Board Member