A Complete Rebalancing of the World

24 Mar 2020 1:48 PM | Guest Blogger

A Complete Rebalancing of the World

This is Gilles. I greet you, dear Ones, and bow to the Divine energy present in all of us.
I was reading a post by Anna Merkaba this evening (March 15) and a piece of it caught my eye. Here are Anna’s words. “I feel that this virus is just the tip of the iceberg; it is here to point us to that which is beneath, that which we cannot yet see, but are being forced to pay attention to. As terrible as this virus may seem, it is really here to assist us in awakening all of humanity.”
Personally, I [Gilles] feel that this virus hasn’t accomplished much yet; perhaps it is preparing us for what is yet to come, but it hasn’t achieved anything in terms of rebalancing the forces of power that dictate how we live and how we breathe.
What I am referring to are the so-called most powerful countries in the world, as defined by their economic performance, the G7, the G20, or the G-whatever. Did any of you have a chance to reflect on who’s been affected by the pandemic that is bringing all that s… out of humanity?
Mostly countries in North America, western Europe and a few influential countries in Asia, starting with China.
I have a friend who lives in Ivory Coast. I asked him last week how badly his country was affected. He responded, “We have one case and it is under control. It is the same in Senegal and I also heard about one case in Gabon.”
It is not about geography, dear Ones, it is about power. Power and arrogance. What I call “rebalancing of the world” is about re-equalizing the power structures in the world, and it is obvious to me that the countries that are affected first and foremost are the most … arrogant. And the most powerful as well.

I was browsing the headlines of a North American media this evening and it read,  “What are we going to do when the Earth reopens?” Fifty countries are under duress and that is the whole world that is suffering. Ego, self-importance. We are the world. The rest may not even exist.
Another recent example was offered by a candidate in the democratic primary in the United States. This person entered the race late and spent five hundred million dollars in advertising to end up nowhere. Did he think one minute that this money could have been better employed by feeding the malnourished and taking care of the frail people all over the planet? All this money that went to waste, that only served an “ego purpose,” disappeared in less than two months.
How many people do you think we could feed, and for how long, with five hundred million dollars?

Arrogance, self-importance, economic power and a sense that one country (or a few of them) must, or have to, lead the world; these are the causes of this whirlwind of mental and psychological disarray.
What is needed is primarily a readjustment of what has been damaged and sabotaged over the centuries—the human spirit. The world as we know it could be divided between the ‘haves’ and the ‘haves nots,’ knowing that millions of people in the world do not have enough money to feed their family on a daily basis.
It is this kind of economic injustice that needs to be addressed; in fact, that needs to be crushed, and a ‘resilient virus’ that sadly killed 10,000 people may not do the work. In fact, it simply cannot, because people are not seeing these causes for what they are; they are not waking up, and it doesn’t seem to bring decision-makers to reason properly. Just the contrary, thereby creating more fear and chaos.

What we need is what I call a “spiritual earthquake;” one which will crush those economic egos and bring everyone to a level that feels—and is—more egalitarian.
The time is now, dear Ones. The storm is beginning, I shall say, and it must engulf everything that needs to be overhauled, destroyed, or shattered. A Phoenix cannot rise out of crumbling structures; these structures have to be down to the level of ashes, to the level of dust.
And it seems that we, as a human race, still have some way to go before we get to that place where we can call for a “true rebirth.” A rebirth of the human spirit, a rebirth of every one of us, in the depth of our lives.
Then, perhaps, we will see with fresh eyes what this new world is about. Peace, love, fraternity, compassion and a genuine desire to support one another, without expecting anything in return.
A world where we are One.
Gilles Asselin


  • 24 Mar 2020 8:45 PM | Anonymous
    Excellent Gilles, Thank You, Carol Guillory🙏
  • 24 Mar 2020 9:33 PM | Kathlyn
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts and insights, Gilles. As this article arrived in my e-mail box, so did a message from a friend of many years who recently retired as an Episcopal Priest. It includes a poem that also speaks to a "rebirth of the human spirit." Here it is. May Brother Richard's words touch and inspire us all!

    Brother Richard Hendrick, a Capuchin Franciscan living in Ireland, has penned a touching poem about coronavirus.

    Yes there is fear.
    Yes there is isolation.
    Yes there is panic buying.
    Yes there is sickness.
    Yes there is even death.
    They say that in Wuhan after so many years of noise
    You can hear the birds again.
    They say that after just a few weeks of quiet
    The sky is no longer thick with fumes
    But blue and grey and clear.
    They say that in the streets of Assisi
    People are singing to each other
    across the empty squares,
    keeping their windows open
    so that those who are alone
    may hear the sounds of family around them.
    They say that a hotel in the West of Ireland
    Is offering free meals and delivery to the housebound.
    Today a young woman I know
    is busy spreading fliers with her number
    through the neighbourhood
    So that the elders may have someone to call on.
    Today Churches, Synagogues, Mosques and Temples
    are preparing to welcome
    and shelter the homeless, the sick, the weary
    All over the world people are slowing down and reflecting
    All over the world people are looking at their neighbours in a new way
    All over the world people are waking up to a new reality
    To how big we really are.
    To how little control we really have.
    To what really matters.
    To Love.
    So we pray and we remember that
    Yes there is fear.
    But there does not have to be hate.
    Yes there is isolation.
    But there does not have to be loneliness.
    Yes there is panic buying.
    But there does not have to be meanness.
    Yes there is sickness.
    But there does not have to be disease of the soul
    Yes there is even death.
    But there can always be a rebirth of love.
    Wake to the choices you make as to how to live now.
    Today, breathe.
    Listen, behind the factory noises of your panic
    The birds are singing again
    The sky is clearing,
    Spring is coming,
    And we are always encompassed by Love.
    Open the windows of your soul
    And though you may not be able
    to touch across the empty square,
    (March 13th 2020)
  • 24 Mar 2020 9:58 PM | Sreepallavi
    Thanks a lot for sharing! My family spends more time with each other desperately trying to minimize technology use. We cook mostly at home and eatin together, glad to see less plastic waste not getting food for ToGo. Glad to see less cars on road considering carbon foot print. Change has been good so far. Thankfully.
  • 25 Mar 2020 1:29 AM | Earth Angel
    Thank you for your insight. I have been feeling the same way for many years about the amount of money that has been spent on political campaigning which could be spent in the same country and other countries helping those in need. Those without food, shelter, access to medical treatment. There are those that suffer daily and yet nothing is done.
    There is enough in this world for everyone to have, it’s time to make sure all are truly equal as we are all one 🙏🏻
  • 25 Mar 2020 5:38 AM | Melody Long
    Well said, Gill. Thesanks for a broader perspective!!
  • 25 Mar 2020 7:18 AM | dhiana
    This is the clearest and most inspiring message I have seen related to this virus, our earth, and the way out of suffering. To awaken we must first recognize we are asleep. May these words of wisdom continue to flow into the collective conditioned consciousness by stirring the ignorance of not knowing. May we remember. One by one we come together forming the awakened humanity that chooses to celebrate the dawning of A New Heaven and A New Earth. Thank you!
  • 25 Mar 2020 8:33 AM | Gilles
    Thanks for the comments, dear Ones.

    There certainly are many benefits to living the situation we are now experiencing as a human species. Here is one more, as part of a blog I read daily.

    So very interestingly, the lesson that Master asked us to review this month was His February 2018 lecture, which addresses the "deathless."

    How timely that this theme is "revisiting us" in our daily lives two years after Master's lecture!

    "When you face your idea of mortality, your concept of death, that is precisely when a human being does a tremendous amount of soul searching. Therefore, one of the positive outcomes of the covid-19 outbreak is the massive amount of awakening that is happening in your world right now. The more people consider the possibility of their own passing, the more they start to search for answers and the more likely they are to receive those answers that they’ve been looking for."

    "Now is a time when the mass awakenings that we have been talking about are occurring. More and more people are discovering the truth that they are eternal and infinite beings of unconditional love. Many individuals are considering reincarnation for the first time, feeling as though they have unfinished business there on Earth."

    • 25 Mar 2020 12:14 PM | Suzanne
      I agree
      validation of my inner knowing
      Glad for this platform of expression without judgement
      Thank you
      From a Phoenix lifting from the ashes to a new Sun Moon and Earth ... a re-newed cosmos
    • 1 Apr 2020 10:59 PM | Grace Lawrence
      Thank you, Gilles, for your post and all that you share ~ I find this thought provoking at the very least ~ perhaps I shall be praying for a deeper dismantling of those inner 'foundational' illusions to reveal the spaciousness from which they were erected. This is so much bigger than we can barely imagine. As it should be. As I hear so often, WE were born for this and WE are the ones we have been praying for. With deep gratitude for all that led me to Master in this incarnation; for you, Kathlyn, I do not have sufficient words; for all of you on the Board,and for our wider VFF community, thank you. Gratitude ripples out in ever widening waves from there.

This Web site is dedicated to the Ascended Master Djwhal Khul (variously spelled "Djwhal Kuhl," "Djwal Kul," or simply "DK"), also known as The Tibetan, and to His students simply as the Master DK.

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